The wife of actor Bruce Willis, Emma Heming Willis, recently took to social media to address the misleading news coverage surrounding her husband’s frontotemporal dementia (FTD) diagnosis. In a candid video posted on Instagram, Emma set the record straight about her family’s experience with FTD and urged media outlets to be more mindful of how they frame stories about neurocognitive diseases.
Dementia and other neurocognitive disorders can be a sensitive and challenging topic for families. Emma shared her frustration with being “clickbaited” by a headline that claimed there was “no joy” left in her husband’s life. She expressed her concern that such misleading headlines are damaging and could scare individuals who have been diagnosed with a neurocognitive disease.
Bruce Willis and Emma Heming Willis are loving hard. 🤍— E! News (@enews) March 4, 2024
Emma went on to clarify that her family’s experience has been the complete opposite of what the headline suggested. She pointed out that while there is grief and sadness, there is also love, connection, and even happiness in their new chapter as a family. Emma’s intention was to dispel the misconception that receiving a dementia diagnosis automatically means giving up on life.
In her caption, she emphasized that she has found beauty and purpose in her family’s journey with FTD. She also acknowledged that it is difficult to navigate this experience and that her emotions have ranged from grief to resilience.
Emma highlighted the importance of having accurate and reliable information about dementia and other neurocognitive diseases, stating that people are often educated by those who have opinions rather than first-hand experiences.
Emma shared her passion for educating and raising awareness about brain health, particularly for women. She and her business partner, Helen Christoni, run the wellness brand Make Time, which aims to educate people about the importance of brain health. Emma and Helen were recently recognized by PEOPLE as Women Changing the World for their efforts in promoting brain health.
Through her work with Make Time, Emma has found solace in connecting with and supporting other caregivers who are also facing the challenges of caring for a loved one with a neurocognitive disease. She believes that having a supportive community is crucial in handling the emotional toll of being a caregiver.
Emma’s honesty and vulnerability in sharing her family’s journey with FTD shed light on the importance of having accurate and compassionate reporting about neurocognitive diseases. She hopes that by speaking out, media outlets will be more mindful of how they frame stories and avoid sensationalizing a topic that is already sensitive and challenging for many families.