Texas college student, Jimmy Amisial, was visiting his hometown in Haiti when he came across a screaming four-month-old baby boy in a trash can.
Amisial stated that the child was covered in ants, and the crowd around the baby was not jumping in to help the poor child.
Amisial quickly picked up the baby and brought him home to clean him up and gave him some milk. The baby boy was taken to a medical facility for care. Local authorities were called; however, no parents were found.
A judge asked Jimmy Amisial if he would like to become the baby’s legal guardian. Amisial was only a 22-year-old college student, but it took him less than a night to agree to become the Father of this four-month-old baby.
When asked about this huge decision, Jimmy Amisial replied:
“But I didn’t have a dad growing up, and this poor child was facing a lifetime of instability and uncertainty.
“Something inside was telling me that this had happened for a reason – so I took a leap of faith.
“Sometimes you don’ have to know what to do, you just have to be ready, to do it.”
Jimmy and his mother, Elicie, raise the boy. They named him Emilio Angel Jeremiah. Emilio is now five years old.
“It’s been an incredible journey and watching him grow up has been so rewarding – I’m very proud of him.
“I had to do what I had to do when no one else wanted to do it, and I’m so grateful for the past four and a half years.
“I’m glad I got the opportunity to transform his life from being abandoned in the trash to being a wonderful treasure.”
Emilio, who started school this year, is a bright spark and loves music. He wants to be a musician when he’s older. Thankfully Amisial was there to save this little boy’s life.