Sarah Jessica Parker, the renowned actress known for her role as Carrie Bradshaw in “Sex and the City,” recently revealed her family’s cooking habits and her unexpected journey with the famous cocktail, the Cosmopolitan.
During an appearance on the iHeartPodcast Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi, Sarah Jessica Parker disclosed that she and her husband, actor Matthew Broderick, take pride in cooking for their family. Contrary to the takeout trend, the Parker-Broderick household prefers to cook five to six nights a week. Parker expressed amusement and confusion at the idea of ordering from different places for each family member, as it rarely happens in their home. Additionally, the couple hosts Sunday dinners, often inviting friends and loved ones to share in their culinary delights.
“We cook every night,” she told host Bozzi. “It’s a source of a huge amount of pride for everybody.”
On the topic of her iconic on-screen character, Carrie Bradshaw, Parker admitted that she wasn’t initially a fan of the Cosmopolitan, the character’s signature drink. The mock Cosmopolitans they drank during filming were not to her liking. However, her perspective changed when she tasted a real, expertly crafted Cosmopolitan with fresh citrus and other high-quality ingredients, and she has since grown fond of the cocktail. In fact, Parker went on to launch her own version of the drink, “the Perfect Cosmo by SJP,” in collaboration with Thomas Ashbourne Craft Spirits.
“The ones we drank on [Sex and the City] were that kind of cosmopolitan that you later learn are not the good ones,” she explained. “First of all, ours weren’t real — they were cranberry juice and water. I never drank cosmopolitans, I thought they were terrible.”
She later became a convert to the popular pink drink, however. “So kindly, people would send them over, I would take a sip and think, ‘What is all the fuss about?’ Then one day someone sent a cosmopolitan over, and it was opaque, pale pink, and fleshy. You could see a bit of pulp of whatever citrus had been used, with a twist, freezing cold, and I was like, ‘Oh, this is a cosmopolitan. I get it now.’”
Aside from her beverage venture, Parker also opened up about her long-lasting marriage to Matthew Broderick. The couple, who first had a date in 1992, has rarely spent time apart since then. The actress praised her husband’s intelligence, humor, and unique quirks that endeared him to her. The couple dated for five years before tying the knot in May 1997, and their love has remained strong throughout their 26 years of marriage.