Tom Selleck, beloved actor and star of the hit CBS crime drama “Blue Bloods,” may be facing a big life change in the near future. The 79-year-old has been the lead in the popular show since 2010, but with the news that the series is set to end, Selleck may be forced to give up his beloved 63-acre ranch in Ventura County, California.
In an interview with “CBS Sunday Morning,” Selleck opened up about his successful career spanning across decades and the unexpected way he fell into the acting profession.
He shared that if he were to stop working, he may have to give up his ranch, saying, “Am I set for life? Yeah, but maybe not on a 63-acre ranch!” This surprising revelation left many fans worried about the future for the actor and his cherished property.
Selleck remains optimistic and focused on the present. He explained that he accidentally discovered his love for acting in college when he took a theater class for an easy A. Since then, he has built a successful and respected career, cementing himself as a household name.
Despite the news that “Blue Bloods” will be ending this year, Selleck remains determined to keep working. He shared that he never loses his sense that every job could be his last, but he has a deep reverence for the craft and is passionate about continuing to do what he loves.
As for the future of “Blue Bloods,” Selleck is hopeful that the show may see a last-minute reprieve. In an interview with “CBS Mornings,” he said, “I will continue to think that CBS will come to their senses,” citing the show’s high ratings and the cast’s desire to continue. He even went so far as to call the decision to end the show “debatable” and asserted that the series is still going strong.
Aside from his successful career, Selleck finds solace and peace in his relationships and his ranch. He married wife Jillie Mack in 1987 and has two children from a previous marriage.
In a 2020 interview with People, he shared that his ranch is his retreat and a place where he can do grunt work and watch things grow.
Fans of Selleck and “Blue Bloods” can take comfort in knowing that the actor is not ruling out the possibility of returning to the show or taking on other acting projects in the future. He remains passionate about his work and is grateful for the opportunities he has been given.
Selleck is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He has been a longtime advocate for veteran’s rights and supports various charities related to the military. He also supports the Ventura County Sheriff’s Foundation and has been recognized for his contributions to the community.