They Ran From Police But Who Knew This Would Stop Them. LOL!

As people across the nation take to the streets to protest police brutality, creative methods of takedowns used by law enforcement are sparking conversations. While the use of force should always be a last resort, sometimes deputies must come up with creative ways to bring dangerous suspects into custody.

Such was the case in Washington in August when Pierce County Sheriff’s Department Deputies were responding to a call of a stolen vehicle near a cemetery. After using stop sticks to try to stop the vehicle, several teens were spotted in a nearby wooded area. The deputy on the scene knew he had to think of a creative way to get the suspects to surrender, so he started barking like a police dog.

Amazingly, it worked; the suspects came out of the creek bed and surrendered. After the incident, one deputy commented on the perhaps unorthodox method used in apprehending the criminals, calling it an “A+ for creativity.” Bodycam footage of the incident shows the deputy barking like a dog multiple times before the teens finally surrender.

This case is just one of the many examples of creative law enforcement measures taken to secure public safety. While the use of force to apprehend dangerous criminals is necessary in some cases, officers must always consider the public’s safety as their highest priority. In this case, the deputy’s skillful use of barking like a dog allowed the suspects to be safely apprehended with no harm done to either them or the public.

The creative ways law enforcement officers use to keep their communities safe demonstrate the amazing skills and techniques they have at their disposal. In this case, the officer made use of a creative solution to deter the suspects while still keeping the public and himself safe. As we look to create more equitable and effective public safety measures, it’s important to recognize the skill and creativity of officers who skillfully and tactfully use these measures.


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