In what promises to be a magical moment for fans of the cult classic film “Matilda,” Danny DeVito, 78, and Mara Wilson, 36, are set to reunite for a special event titled “Matilda in Concert.” The duo, who shared the screen in the beloved 1996 film, will narrate the movie while composer David Newman performs his original score alongside the New Jersey Philharmonic Orchestra.
DeVito revealed that the plan to perform “Matilda in Concert” was initially thwarted by the SAG-AFTRA strike. The event was ready to go, but the strike prevented them from proceeding as it could be perceived as a promotion for the movie. Despite the setback, DeVito expressed optimism about rescheduling the event soon, with hopes that the strike will conclude.
The iconic film, based on Roald Dahl’s novel, follows the story of Matilda Wormwood, a 6-year-old genius with telekinetic powers, as she navigates abuse from her neglectful family and a tyrannical school principal. Since its release, “Matilda” has become a pop culture staple, inspiring a Broadway show and a 2022 Netflix remake.
Danny DeVito and Mara Wilson are planning to reunite for ‘MATILDA THE CONCERT’ where they will narrate the film over David Newman playing his score.
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) October 15, 2023
Mara Wilson, reflecting on her experience as a child star, shared insights into the challenges faced in the industry. Speaking about the “lasting damage” often associated with child stardom, Wilson acknowledged that while Hollywood is perceived as inherently corrupt, her personal experience on film sets was generally positive. She credited working with wonderful directors who were accustomed to working with children, emphasizing that she always felt safe despite encountering some questionable situations.
Meanwhile, Danny DeVito has continued to make his mark in the entertainment industry with roles in iconic movies and TV shows such as “Hercules,” “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” and “Jumanji: The Next Level.” Currently, DeVito, along with his daughter Lucy DeVito, is starring in the Broadway show “I Need That” at the American Airlines Theatre in New York City, running through December 30.
As fans eagerly anticipate the reunion of DeVito and Wilson in “Matilda in Concert,” the event promises to be a nostalgic celebration of a film that has left a lasting impact on audiences worldwide.