On Monday, three bodies were discovered on the beach outside the Fiesta Americana hotel in Cancun, Mexico, leaving vacationers in shock. The bodies were identified by local media as alleged drug dealers, though Mexican government officials only confirmed the discovery of three people. The Attorney General’s Office for Quintana Roo opened an investigation into the matter and asked for the public’s help in finding the person or persons responsible for the deaths.
“The authorities are working to clarify the facts and find the whereabouts of the person(s) responsible for these events,” the Attorney General’s Office wrote in a statement.
The Fiesta Americana hotel did not respond to multiple requests for comment, and it remains unclear who the deceased were. Cancun is the most popular vacation spot in Mexico for American tourists, with thousands of students and others visiting the area every year.
In the wake of the incident, Mexican authorities have increased security efforts in the region in an attempt to control organized crime from human traffickers and drug cartels. This follows last week’s shooting of an American in Cancun; suspects allegedly approached the man around midnight and shot him in the leg on March 29.
The US State Department issued a travel advisory to Americans visiting Quintana Roo state, warning that they should “exercise increased caution due to crime and kidnapping” and that “shootings between rival gangs have injured innocent bystanders.” They further warned that US citizens have been the victims of both nonviolent and violent crimes in tourist and non-tourist areas.
The Mexican government has yet to issue an official statement on the incident or make any arrests, though investigations are ongoing. It is unclear what additional security measures, if any, will be implemented in the area in response. For now, the Mexican authorities are urging anyone with information to contact them and help them find the person or persons responsible for the deaths.