Phelps Comments On Aussie’s Swimmer Comments

Hello everyone! Did you catch that latest buzz about Michael Phelps and the ongoing rivalry between the U.S. and Australian swim teams? If not, let me fill you in. Our very own swimming legend, Michael Phelps, who holds a whopping 28 Olympic medals, showed his fiery side recently, and it all started with a video clip of Australian swimmer Cate Campbell throwing some serious shade at Team USA.

So, here’s what went down. NBC Olympics and Team USA shared a clip of Phelps watching an interview with Campbell from the 2023 World Championships in Japan. Campbell, speaking to Channel 9, was quite vocal about her disdain for Team USA. She bragged about Australia’s 15 gold medals compared to the U.S.’s seven, even though the U.S. took home a total of 40 medals to Australia’s 30.

Campbell didn’t hold back. She called Team USA “sore losers” and expressed her joy at not hearing the “Star-Spangled Banner” during the competition. She even went as far as to criticize the U.S. team’s use of a cowbell and their “USA! USA!” chants during warmups, saying, “I’ve never wanted to punch someone more.”

Now, Phelps, known for his competitive spirit, didn’t take too kindly to these comments. As he watched the clip, his irritation was palpable. His response? Pure Phelps. “If somebody said that to me, I would lose it,” he said. “I would make them eat every word they just said about me.”

Phelps shared some wisdom from his own experience, suggesting that the U.S. swimmers heading to Paris should watch that video every day as motivation.

He recalled how trash talk from rivals, like Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe, fueled his drive during competitions. “You guys all talked s— about me,” he said, “And I had the last laugh.”

Even though Phelps is no longer competing, he will be in Paris as a broadcaster for NBC. You can bet he’ll be keeping a close eye on how the Americans respond to the Australians and the rest of their competition. He’s clearly still passionate about the sport and eager to see the U.S. swimmers bring their A-game.

Cate Campbell, on the other hand, downplayed the incident, saying her comments were made in jest and that rivalries are what make sports exciting. “A little bit of trash talk never hurt anyone,” she remarked, highlighting the long-standing rivalry between Australia and the U.S.

As we look forward to the Paris Olympics, it’s clear that the competitive spirit is very much alive and kicking. The stage is set for some intense and thrilling swimming competitions, and with Phelps cheering them on, Team USA is bound to bring some extra fire to the pool.

Stay tuned, folks, because the Olympics are just around the corner, and this rivalry is far from over!

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