NFL Player Cut From Team After Alarming Allegations

In a surprising turn of events, the Washington Commanders have decided to part ways with their kicker, Brandon McManus, amidst troubling allegations. This comes just months after McManus inked a one-year, $3.6 million contract with the team. The allegations, which have surfaced in a lawsuit filed last month, accuse McManus of sexually assaulting two flight attendants during a team trip last season.

So, what exactly happened? According to sources, the allegations date back to a September 28, 2023 flight to London, chartered by the Jacksonville Jaguars, McManus’s team at that time. The two women, identified as Jane Doe I and Jane Doe II in court documents, claim the flight turned into a nightmarish experience.

In the lawsuit filed in Duval County, Florida, Jane Doe I alleges that McManus grinded on her, grabbed her, and tried to kiss her multiple times throughout the flight. She described these acts as non-consensual and deeply distressing. Jane Doe II shared a similar account, stating that McManus’s behavior left her feeling violated and humiliated. Both women are seeking unspecified damages for the trauma they endured.

The Commanders, aware of these serious allegations, announced McManus’s release on Sunday evening. While the team did not specify the reason for their decision, a previous statement mentioned their commitment to taking such allegations very seriously.

McManus’s attorney, Brett R. Gallaway, strongly denied the accusations, calling them “absolutely fictitious and demonstrably false.” Gallaway expressed disappointment with the Commanders’ decision to release McManus before he had a chance to defend himself. He emphasized their intention to aggressively fight the claims and clear McManus’s name through the legal process.

Brandon McManus, 32, started his NFL career with the Denver Broncos in 2014. Over nine seasons in Denver, he made a name for himself as a reliable kicker, even playing a crucial role in the Broncos’ Super Bowl 50 victory. McManus joined the Jaguars in 2023, where he continued to perform well, converting 30 of 37 field goal attempts and making all of his extra points. The Commanders saw potential in him and signed him to a one-year deal in March 2024.

The lawsuit paints a chaotic picture of the flight to London, describing how McManus and other team members allegedly disregarded personal boundaries, air travel safety, and federal laws. McManus is accused of distributing $100 bills to persuade the attendants to drink and dance for him, adding another layer of misconduct to the allegations.

The lawsuit also implicates the Jacksonville Jaguars, accusing them of failing to supervise McManus and ensure a safe environment for staff. The Jaguars have acknowledged the lawsuit and are currently looking into the matter.

The Commanders have stated, “We have been in communication with the league office and Brandon’s representation, and will reserve further comment at this time.” For now, McManus and his legal team are gearing up to defend against the accusations, aiming to clear his name and return to the field.

This situation serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining professional conduct and respecting boundaries, no matter the circumstances. Stay tuned as this story unfolds, and let’s hope for a fair resolution that upholds justice and integrity.

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