In a tragic turn of events, the lifeless body of Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, was discovered on the Ma and Pa Trail in Bel Air, Maryland. Her boyfriend, Richard Tobin, has taken to social media to assert his innocence in connection with her death, amidst an ongoing homicide investigation by law enforcement.
Tobin, 27, who had recently updated his relationship status with Morin on Facebook, denied any involvement in her demise, pleading for privacy to grieve with the family. He acknowledged his past struggles with the law, citing two prior arrests for criminal second-degree assault, malicious destruction of property, drug possession, and violating restraining orders, among other charges. Despite this history, he emphasized that he had turned his life around and maintained 15 months of sobriety.
As news of Morin’s death spread, Facebook users engaged in an outpouring of comments, with some speculating on Tobin’s potential involvement, while others urged to maintain the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
According to the Harford County Sheriff, Jeff Gahler, the case has transitioned from a missing person’s investigation to a homicide investigation. Rachel Morin was last seen on Saturday at 6 p.m. heading out to the Ma and Pa Trail, clad in dark attire. Tobin was the one who reported her disappearance when she failed to return home and assisted law enforcement in locating her vehicle, which proved to be correct.
At approximately 1:07 p.m. the following day, a concerned citizen called 9-1-1 to report the discovery of a female body off the trail. Law enforcement’s arrival led to the grim realization that the case had escalated to homicide. The exact details of the scene remain undisclosed.
Rebekah Morin, the victim’s sister, set up a GoFundMe page to help cover funeral expenses, revealing that Rachel had recently experienced another tragedy with the loss of her niece to sudden infant death syndrome. Rebekah expressed her belief that her sister’s death was not accidental and deserved a fitting funeral.
While investigators are confident that the body belongs to Rachel Morin, the final confirmation awaits the coroner’s report. As of now, no suspects have been officially identified in connection with the tragic death.
As the community mourns the loss of Rachel Morin, law enforcement continues to diligently investigate the circumstances surrounding her untimely demise.