An Ohio police officer from Shaker Heights is fighting to keep his loyal companion, a German Shepherd named Igor, after being forced to move to a department in another city. Chad Hagan, who has worked with Igor for over five years, is determined to keep the dog in his family despite a roadblock standing in his way.
Hagan’s decision to transfer to a different department has been met with a difficult challenge. The city of Shaker Heights has rejected Hagan’s $10,000 offer to retire Igor with his family, claiming that the dog is considered a “tool” and cannot be sold. This decision has sparked outrage from the community, who rallied behind Hagan and his fight to keep Igor in his family.
Hagan’s wife, Danielle, spoke to FOX News and shared the deep bond that exists between her husband and Igor. She stated that the dog has saved Chad’s life and the lives of countless others, making him an essential member of the police force. Igor is a highly trained narcotics search dog and has also rescued people in various situations, making him an invaluable asset to the community.
Despite this, the city of Shaker Heights has refused to budge, claiming that they do not have the authority to sell the dog. However, many believe that this decision was made out of spite towards Hagan. He argues that the police chief does not understand the strong bond that exists between a K-9 and its handler.
Officer Chad Hagan’s $10,000 offer to retire K-9 partner Igor is rejected, sparking public outcry. City defends decision, citing laws prohibiting the sale of police dogs. #K9Igor #ShakerHeights
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— Daily Tuesday (@dailytuesdayuk) December 12, 2023
A petition titled “Bring K9 Igor home” was started by a family friend in an effort to garner support for Hagan’s cause. The petition has already received over 17,000 signatures, with a goal of reaching 25,000. The petition states that the city’s decision to keep the duo apart is an act of spite, and that Igor deserves to live out his retirement with the only family he has ever known.
Hagan and his family are desperate to have Igor back home with them, where he can live out the rest of his life in comfort and happiness. They argue that, at six-and-a-half years old, Igor is well past his prime and deserves to retire with his family. As the community continues to rally behind Hagan and Igor, the fight to bring the beloved K-9 back home continues.