Hugh Jackman, the renowned actor best known for his role as Wolverine, was spotted in high spirits as he embraced the healing power of nature on a Sunday morning stroll. This peaceful outing came just a week after the unexpected announcement of his separation from his wife of 27 years, Deborra-Lee Furness.
In an Instagram post, the 54-year-old star shared a series of photos capturing his serene walk through a picturesque park in New York City, where he could be seen happily posing alongside a tranquil walking trail and a scenic lake. With a smile on his face, he captioned the images, “Sunday morning walk in the rain… heaven (and muddy)!”
Amid this challenging period, Jackman received an outpouring of support from his devoted followers. Messages of well wishes and encouragement poured in, with one fan expressing, “So glad you’re happy and enjoying your day,” while another admired the beauty of the trail, saying, “Wow, what a beautiful trail! Good to see your smile.”
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The separation announcement came as a shock to many, as the couple had been an enduring symbol of love and commitment in the entertainment industry. In a statement released earlier this month, Jackman and Furness expressed their gratitude for nearly three decades of shared life and love. They explained that their journey was shifting, leading them to pursue individual growth. The couple affirmed their unwavering dedication to their family, which has always been their top priority.
The statement was signed by both as ‘Deb and Hugh Jackman,’ with a clear message that it would be their only public statement regarding the matter. The couple shares two children together, Oscar, 23, and Ava, 18.
Following the announcement, Jackman briefly spoke to paparazzi on the street. He admitted that it’s a difficult time for both of them but declined to delve further into the details of their separation. The couple has requested privacy as they navigate this transition, emphasizing their intention to maintain a sense of gratitude, love, and kindness throughout this challenging period.