Renowned Thor actor, Chris Hemsworth, 40, is embracing the picturesque landscapes of Iceland with his 11-year-old daughter, India Rose. The dynamic duo recently embarked on an ATV adventure, capturing hearts on social media with a video and snapshots of their escapade.
In an Instagram post on Saturday, Hemsworth humorously declared the formation of a “bikey gang” with his daughter, currently an exclusive membership of two. The video showcases the pair navigating the rugged Icelandic terrain on an ATV, soaking in the breathtaking views.
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Earlier in their Icelandic getaway, the actor shared glimpses of their activities, including a pony ride through roads, fields, and even water. Hemsworth’s Instagram captions reflect the joy of their father-daughter bonding, describing their Icelandic adventures with enthusiasm.
The actor’s older brother, Luke, playfully teased him in the comments about the size of the horse, bringing humor to the family moments shared online.
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This isn’t the first time India has joined her father in the spotlight. In Hemsworth’s 2022 film, “Thor: Love and Thunder,” India made a cameo appearance, turning a brief moment into a more significant role due to the evolving storyline. Hemsworth revealed that he offered her dialogue, and despite her professionalism and enjoyment, he emphasized the importance of her having a normal upbringing.
“I said, ‘There’s plenty of time, sweetie. Go to school, horse ride, have fun, be a kid,’” Hemsworth continued. “Because once the train moves, it’s pretty hard to get off, and you miss a lot of things.”
Hemsworth, who shares India with wife Elsa Pataky, also has twin sons, Tristan and Sasha, aged 9. The family’s Icelandic adventure showcases the actor’s commitment to creating memorable moments with his children amidst his busy schedule.
The actor has previously expressed his desire for his children to enjoy a typical childhood, balancing the glitz of Hollywood with the simplicity of everyday life. Hemsworth acknowledges the fleeting nature of childhood and emphasizes the significance of allowing his children to be kids before diving into the demands of fame.
In the world of Thor, it seems that off-screen adventures with his children are the real treasures for Chris Hemsworth, creating lasting memories beyond the realms of Asgard.