Dennis Quaid Issues Dire Warning For US- Watch

A new documentary titled “Grid Down, Power Up” is warning of a potentially catastrophic failure of the U.S. power grid. Actor Dennis Quaid, who has been promoting the film, has issued a dire warning that such an event could send America “back to 1880” and “make COVID look like a kids’ show.”

The power grid is a system of interconnected power plants and power lines that is essential for providing electricity to homes and businesses. It is also crucial for transportation, heating, and food production.

Quaid has pointed to a 2003 power outage in New York and other areas as a warning sign. The event was caused by a power line hitting some overgrown trees. The resulting chaos included power outages that lasted for days, traffic lights not working, and looting. Hundreds of thousands of people were stranded in subway cars and had to walk to their destinations.

Quaid warns that a larger attack on the power grid could be devastating. He suggests that a “GMT” event, such as a nuclear explosion in space, could take out the power grid for up to 30 days. This could lead to shortages of food, water, and heat, as well as possible fatalities.

“That was just a small little event, but a GMT event — a bad actor could take it out through a Chinese balloon, for all we know,” Quaid said. “It could be up to, like, 30 days, but what we’re talking about is like a nuclear explosion up in space.”

He continued, “It would take us back to 1880, and you wouldn’t be able to get gas, you wouldn’t be able to get food.”

“We keep talking about it, but nothing gets done,” Quaid said.

The documentary “Grid Down, Power Up” argues that protective measures need to be taken to prevent such an event from occurring. Quaid estimates that it would cost about $50 billion over time to install the necessary security measures.

At the same time, Quaid acknowledges that energy and utility companies seem reluctant to upgrade their systems and install safeguards. He urges them to take action, stressing the importance of the power grid to everyday life and the potential consequences of a major outage.



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