A tragic accident occurred on the set of Marvel Studios’ new series “Wonder Man,” resulting in the death of a crew member. According to reports, the incident took place today at Radford Studios in Studio City, California, where the series was set to start production next month.
Details surrounding the accident are still unclear, but it is reported that the male crew member fell from a catwalk and died at the scene. The series was not filming at the time of the accident.
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), the union representing thousands of behind the scenes workers in the film, television, and theater industries, released a statement expressing their shock and sadness over the loss. The union’s president, Matthew D. Loeb, stated that they are providing support to the victim’s family and colleagues, and will assist in the investigation conducted by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA).
In a statement to Deadline, a spokesperson for Marvel Studios expressed their condolences and stated that their priority is to support the investigation into the circumstances of the accident. Representatives for Radford Studio Center, where the accident took place, declined to comment on the incident.
The “Wonder Man” series stars Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, known for his role in “Aquaman,” as the titular superhero. Based on the comic books, the character is the son of a wealthy industrialist who is lured to the dark side by the villain Baron Zemo, but ultimately joins the Avengers team.
The production of “Wonder Man” has been facing delays due to the writers and actors’ strikes last summer. However, the series was set to begin filming next month, with anticipation and excitement from fans and industry professionals alike.
The tragic loss of the crew member has raised concerns about safety on film sets. The IATSE has a safety hotline for their members to report any issues, and they have reminded members to use it if they feel unsafe while working. The safety of crew members and actors on set is crucial, and it is essential that proper measures are in place to prevent accidents from happening.
Radford Studio Center, the site of the accident, is a facility that houses numerous productions, making it a popular filming location. The incident has brought attention to the need for strict safety protocols and procedures to be followed on all sets, regardless of production size or studios.
The death of the crew member has cast a shadow over the upcoming “Wonder Man” series. Marvel Studios has not released any further statements, and the investigation into the accident is ongoing.
The entire film and television industry will be closely watching for the results of the investigation and any changes that may be made to ensure the safety of all those working on sets in the future.