Actor Mitchel Musso, known for his role as Oliver Oken on Disney Channel’s hit series “Hannah Montana,” was arrested on Saturday evening in Rockwall, Texas, on charges of theft, public intoxication, and outstanding traffic warrants. The arrest took place at a local hotel in this Dallas suburb around 7 p.m. after Musso exhibited signs of intoxication upon entering the establishment.
According to local authorities, the 32-year-old actor allegedly selected a bag of chips from the hotel’s offerings and began consuming them without making any payment. When confronted by hotel staff, Musso reportedly became verbally abusive and left without settling the bill.
Upon arrival at the scene, police officers determined that Musso displayed signs of intoxication. A routine records check also uncovered several outstanding traffic warrants issued by the Rockwall Police Department. Consequently, Musso was taken into custody and transported to the Rockwall County Detention Center.
“A routine records check also revealed Mr. Musso had several outstanding traffic warrants out of Rockwall Police Department,” police told Fox News. “He was transported to the Rockwall County Detention Center where he was booked in for the charges listed above.”
Mitchel Musso spent one night in jail and was released on late Sunday afternoon after posting a $1000.00 bond, as confirmed by local law enforcement.
This is not Musso’s first encounter with the law related to alcohol. In 2011, when he was 20 years old, he was arrested on a DUI charge in Burbank, California. At that time, he was apprehended at the scene of an unrelated traffic accident, where he had allegedly failed to obey instructions from a police officer directing traffic.
Burbank Police Sgt. Sean Kelley, who was involved in the 2011 arrest, stated that Musso had failed to slow down as directed by the officer and subsequently underwent a field sobriety test. Musso’s blood alcohol content was reportedly above the legal limit of 0.08%, making him ineligible to operate a vehicle legally.